Publishing Adobe Captivate projects to Microsoft Word - This blog post shares various types of publishing options in Adobe Captivate9.

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Different Types of Publish Options in Captivate 9. 


- How to preview and publish responsive projects in Adobe Captivate


Adobe Captivate can create online courses which can be viewed on a variety of devices, including desktops, iPads, and smartphones. Location: Select the desired folder location where you want to publish the course. Zip Files: When you need to export a single output file to upload to a Learning Management System, this option can be used.

Fullscreen: If you choose Fullscreen, the published output will be shown on the full screen. When a learner does not have access to the Flash Player in their browser, this choice is useful for sharing content through email or other means. Force re-publish on all slides: For Example, you have created a project and published the output.

Seamless Tabbing: If only Internet Explorer is used, the eLearning course will be delivered in a seamless manner. Audio Settings: By clicking the Custom connection, you can edit the audio.

Until publishing, you should adjust the audio quality. Analyze the options and select only those that are required. On mobile devices, you can choose to play or pause the course or video by selecting this option. We can switch the slide to the right or left using navigation. Accessibility: You can create output that is compliant with Section for users who have visual or hearing impairments, mobility impairments, or other types of disabilities.

Enter the course identifier, title, and definition that the LMS will use for reporting in the manifest. Make sure there are no spaces in the course identifier. Data To Report: If we select Percentage then the result might be shown as a percentage or a number of points. You have the option of selecting both or any of the options. By converting your courses to HTML5, you can keep all of your content in one place and when we publish a course in HTML, it will open on an iPad or other mobile device.

Windows 8: If your course has a certificate, click Create Certificate and then publish it. You can also save the project as a single zip file and upload it.

Zip Project File — All the published files are uploaded to the server as a single zip file. Create a folder where you want to upload the project file by clicking New Folder. Alternatively, you can choose from the list of any current folders.

Create an identity for your project and a definition of it. Select the language in which your project was published. Click the Finish button to complete the task. To review your course in Adobe Captivate Prime, you must first create a new account and then publish it.

An administrator can add participants, an author can develop training modules and courses, team members can manage their teams, provide input after the training is completed, and monitor them in this system. Courses allocated to learners are accessible to them. Adobe Captivate — Types of publish settings Adobe Captivate can create online courses which can be viewed on a variety of devices, including desktops, iPads, and smartphones.

Publish to Computer. Publish to Devices App. Publish to Adobe Connect. Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime. Project Title: Enter the project name in the Project Title area. Resolution: The course dimension is shown.

Slides: The total number of slides in a project will be shown. Slides with Audio: How many slides in the project have audio will be shown. In Quiz field you can find three options Quiz is attempted. Quiz is passed. Quiz is passed or the quiz attempt limit is reached. This is a new feature that allows you to publish to iOS, Android, and Windows 8.

Click the Login button after entering your username and password. Click Publish to Adobe Connect from the Toolbar.

Select the options in the Publish dialog box as required. Then click the Publish button. In the Adobe Connect window, enter your login credentials. Click Publish To This Folder. In the Adobe Connect Server window, enter a name for your project in the Title field. In the Account dropdown, if you already have a Captivate Prime account, it will be shown. Request for Samples Why not take time to check our Interactive, Responsive, Simulation and Game-based engaging elearning samples.

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